Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Best Picture of the Year (Even if it is Only Jan. 5)

A picture of Nancy Pelosi passing her power to another, what a glorious day!! Quite frankly it doesn't matter to me who she passed that gavel to, just so long as it is out of her hands. But look at how badly Boehner wants to give her one solid crack over the head. And who can blame him? What kind of leader says, "We have to pass the bill so people can find out what's in it"?


  1. The kind of leader that realizes that people who would benefit from the bill are being hoodwinked into thinking it will hurt them by talking heads, and that they will only believe it is helping when it actually affects their lives for the better.

  2. Sure Kyle, you keep telling yourself that. I can only speak for myself and I wasn't being "hoodwinked." I knew the bill would harm me, and it is, as of 5 days ago my insurance costs are on the rise. And we both know one family very well who just had a child who would not be here today under the changes that will be happening to their insurance plan this year.

  3. Actually, I don't know what you are referring too. I know several families with sick children, some you don't know that were in possibility of complete financial ruin due to sick children not covered by their insurance or rejected by their insurance companies.
    The fact is that our health care system is broken. While i have major issues with the current bill, (I prefer single payer with private insurance to supplement) something is better than nothing. While the bill needs tweaked, we have a ton of problems with our health care system that are at least being partially addressed.
    A couple points on cost.

    1) health premiums increase over time, they would have gone up with or without the bill, it is just a convenient scape goat right now.

    2) health care is not free, taxes and or premiums will have to increase in order for more people to receive care. Yes this means we will pay more, even more than the normal cost creep, but only because more services are being provided. The trick is to offset the costs with across the spectrum increases making them individually small and collectively sufficient.

  4. Actually, premiums go up regularly. About 3 years ago, after being on an expensive $300 a month plan to just cover me and Henry, with the wonderful Blue Shield/Blue Cross insurance, our premiums went up about almost $70 a month. Yep. We called them up because we were so mad about the drastic increase in our already not cheap insurance (that really didn't cover a whole lot, despite a maternity plan'd think with a maternity plan I get basic stuff like basic lab work and ultra sounds covered - nope!). They told us why it went up. Because we used it. Yes, that was the explanation. Prices went up because we used our insurance.

    And as it goes, health insurance costs have been going up steadily in the last 6-7 years. So, I'm with Kyle. The new health care reform certainly has and will have problems, and I'm sure there will be things coming up because of it that are not for the better. But, I think overall it will be. And it's silly to blame increases in premiums on the health care reform when premiums have been going up for years.

  5. I understand that premiums do go up but this last round, in this case, WAS due to the health reform bill.

  6. How do you know that for a fact? Just curious...
