Friday, June 18, 2010

Oh the Irony

Mr. Obama is visiting my own stomping grounds of Nationwide Children's Hospital today. He speaks from the corner of E. Livingston and Parsons actually to tout federal dollars that are going to 16 street resurfacing projects in Columbus. The dollars are creating an astounding 300 jobs! Wow! But are those jobs really being created? Am I to believe that without these federally-funded projects the city wouldn't be putting those guys to work at other places in the city? I lived in Columbus for 6 years. I'm well aware of the constant barrage of construction. Feel free to also comment on the appropriateness of federal government funding simple local projects such as street resurfacing. Isn't this the responsibility of state and city government?

But in a hilarious turn of irony, the presiden't visit has shut down a construction project across the street at the hospital and cost all of those construction workers a day's pay.

1 comment:

  1. It is ironic, but I'm too worried about soccer right now to worry about mundane things like these. ;)
